5 posts
Android 12 Google Advertising ID ,ADID, Family App Permission Handling

When Google announced the Android 12 version, it announced a change in the content that “in order to collect Google advertising identifiers, you need to add a separate permission” In Android 12, a separate permission has been added to obtain a Google Advertising ID. Definery customers must add the following permissions You cannot obtain a Google Advertising ID from an app without permission   However, Family apps, that is, as per Google policy, apps intended for children must not send advertisi…

How to make an excel file using POI Library

On the weekend, I am making the Toy Project app, a visit log app for corona epidemiologic investigations Got a new feature to export log data to excel file format, So I found a way to create excel file in android app The poi library created by the Apache Foundation makes it easy to create office types files Ref: you can use libs after define below app/ build gradle file and see simple sample project

Firebase Android How to check SHA1 Information

Go to your project root path in terminal Let’s do below command ./gradlew signingReport You can get SHA1/ or SHA-256 Information E.g

Android Color All hex value from 100% to 0% alpha

Sample color.xml

Solved "Unable to determine application id"

While I was working on developing for android toy project, I didn’t deploy my apk file to my test phone It showed an error meesage like this “Unable to determine application id” So I tried to do below steps from stack over flow it worked well!!