When you try build with google admob for iOS Build after install Google Admob unity plugin, if you met a build error with below message

and even after setup GADApplicationIdentifier ID value in plist

“GADInvalidInitializationException: The Google Mobile Ads SDK was initialized without an application ID”

you have to setup GADIsAdManagerApp value

Manually adding Plist values ​​to each Unity build is bad for productivity.

If you use the OnPostProcessBuild API provided by Unity, you can set a value in the Xcode project created at the end of the build in the Unity Editor.

public static void OnPostProcessBuild(BuildTarget target, string path)



private static void OnIOSBuild(BuildTarget target, string path) { LocalizeName.AddLocalizedStringsIOS(path, Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, “testframework/localizationForiOS”));

string infoPlistPath = path + "/Info.plist";

PlistDocument plistDoc = new PlistDocument();
if (plistDoc.root != null) {
    plistDoc.root.SetBoolean(ADMOB_SETTING, true);
else {
    Debug.LogError("ERROR: Can't open " + infoPlistPath);


You can see below sample
