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How to set up ios target using Unity resolver

Currenlty I am using some iOS Native Sdks using Unity resolver and Cocopods There were one requeiments after build from unity edtor , it should set antoher iOS target not app’s target Firebase and Adsmob’s native sdk modules are composed by Unity Resolver The module’s target can be found in the API below, as shown in the unity resolver guide. However, the order must be It should be between 40 and 50   https://github.com/googlesamples/unity-jar-resolver

Data Collection and Storage apple iOS inapp review

I will write logs how to pass iOS in app review from Guideline 5.1.1(v) - Data Collection and Storage case I currently work for is sensitive to data collection and storage because it is an app targeting Kids apps Espacailly even it’s kids app, if we have a ads module or any third parties data collecion module, it might be reject by app review In Firebase, we can enable the Analytics without IDFA (device advertising identifier) ​​collection I successfully submitted my review using this option! h…

Unity AVpro HLS Streaming playback with some events

I make an app using unity to support HLS Streaming Playback with Avpro plugin in company It was very useful and avpro provided good events to make some UI features E.g Callback called when seek operation is start or finish   In addition, various player-related Event Callback APIs are provided. https://www.renderheads.com/content/docs/AVProVideo/articles/feature-events.html

Start research for vision pro

In order to develop a vision pro aplicaion , It has to use Swift UI which used for developed iOS and Mac Os App I studied based two blog posings in korean below and I have test some samples in swifit UI And it need to study new concepts like window volume and spaces.. some new concepts   It introduced apple development site below https://developer.apple.com/kr/visionos/   It’s really good youtube video to understand vision os and concepts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-mIIcvYrh0 Currently I…