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Start research for vision pro

In order to develop a vision pro aplicaion , It has to use Swift UI which used for developed iOS and Mac Os App I studied based two blog posings in korean below and I have test some samples in swifit UI And it need to study new concepts like window volume and spaces.. some new concepts   It introduced apple development site below https://developer.apple.com/kr/visionos/   It’s really good youtube video to understand vision os and concepts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-mIIcvYrh0 Currently I…

Start research for vision pro

2024 February Apple rolling out first vr device a vision pro I am very excited and I am going to research to release for my first app in vision pro Let’s do it

unityads UnityMonetizaion h header not found

I am using google mediaion for monetization for app in company, Recently I have new requirment to add new ads network for Unity Ads network Like a normal ads network, I just intergated adpater sdk and enabled for unity ads in Unity Editor but when build from xcode met a build error about UnityMonetizaion h header not found problem It has to install another unity package which is iOS 14 Advertising Support package not normall unity ads package.. detail below https://github.com/googleads/googlead…

How to use Unity iOS Framework to XCFramework

Good posting below link https://qiita.com/mao_/items/9874c1efa280ed4bb399